Monday 10 January 2011

Gambling Room Development

Here is the some development on a scene that I took and did the lighting for. In this scene I also textured the walls and barrels.


 Here is a group of images showing the development of the first shot for the gambling room shot. Its meant to be a darkly lit room where some highlight on the table where the action is based around. Top image is the first one that I created and I wanted to make it seem like the top left corner of the room was where the light was coming from and a highlight on the table itself. I had to play around with global illumination as I wanted some ambient light but those two areas where where I wanted it to be brighter. Also as I am the compositor I have separated all the lights so I can play with them in post. Theres to much room for mistakes in rendering if I started to play with loads of render passes or layers as I can practice but if theres 15 render layers thats 15 different renders, and for one shot its alot of rendering time so we had to make do.

Above are two of many images of the pain I went through to get to the spot and the contrast behind on the box so you can see where that light ends and then further in the background the other light illuminating the background.

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