Sunday 14 November 2010

Working into a model!

Above shows a stage all my models go through! What I do is take the model into photoshop or print a printscreen out and list and draw what I feel needs improving before I go any further with the model. The idea of the boat is not to have loads of detail on the model itself, We want simple mesh and bring it to life with our props and textures! This is not going to be a crazy high poly model where I model each crevasse.

But From the image you can see the areas I want to change and areas I feel are weak, I circle the things I think aren't working. Also I plan to chance the front completely as I feel the shape is abit strange so I plan to simplifiy it. I  feel if I was doing a Europeon ship of the same period I would be model alot more detail but the style of ship we are designing wasn't a complicated ship in terms of design. So Its important for me to get the details such as the designs at the back and the shape perfect!

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