Tuesday 23 November 2010

Render Passes!


(images in order starting from bottom to top)

Above are images showing some render passes I have tested out with my group also giving help and guidance. We are all new to this so we took the time to test some render passes and play with compositing them together. First images went really well and improved as we went on. However the wood look good but I thought it brought out problems with bump maps as the render and overall image quality is now better so bump maps need to be really well made or we need to upgrade them into displacement maps for that better quality! Tests are still on going and I plan to work into it more add more render passes. For these images we used Beauty, Ambient Occlusion and shadow passes! but there are many more I can play with to get that final perfect image we want. But for final comment, this shows the difference in quality from normal renders in maya to properly well thought through passes composited together.

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