Monday 1 November 2010

Research images

Below is a selection of images, each one has a reason why I posted it as they will aid me when I start to draw up my concepts:

(Above) This a great example of what style I want for the admirals chair. From watching Red Cliff film, it showed me some of the chinese room layouts and the prop details of the set was great. Hopefully will get some images to show this when I find away to screenshot blu rays!
(above) The thing that stood out for me and I have seen it a few times now in films was the silk on the roof! I will try bring this forward to the admirals navigation room as that room will need to be the "richest" in design as this is where our admiral led his ship and people!
I thought this image although not of a boat living quarters but it was a great example of how we could lay out the bunks. The sailors will be in tight living conditions and will give us a chance to create some cramped spaces but each with its own individual touch to each as different people little in different bunks.

(Above) These patterns and carvings caught my eye, I would use this when I am making the furniture or wall decorations around the admirals room. Also the images of the tables gives me some good reference to work from! Each image I have posted through out my blog have all been giving me ideas on when texturing and aiding shaders to my models, adjusting the reflection, the colour and have been showing me the difference between smoothed and vanished wood to ruff and damaged wood for example.

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