Sunday 14 November 2010

lets smoooooooth it out.

Now time to get this model to a high res standard! Very early stages of the process but I wanted to show you at this stage to show what I mean by high poly. Now using smooth preview I get to see the mesh what it looks like when it will be smoothed and on most models people get surprised with how bad it looks! But fear not, after adding edge loops and beveling like crazy you start to get the harden edge you are searching for. Only problem at this moment in time is that the surface seems wavy but I will sort that out when I get to finishing it off. Not to far to go now then its down to me texturing this up to give the real Junk look we want! Oh a good example of things not been through the bevel or harden stage yet is the windows. Yes they are circles but I plan to get on to that tomorrow and square them up.

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