Tuesday 26 October 2010

Zheng He's Dragon Fleet!

After comparing Research and after some discussion, we have chosen the era of Admiral Zheng He and his vast fleet of 317 ships during the period of 1405 to 1433. Now I can start to look into the culture of the people and the designs of the ships.

Below is a selection of images showing the head of Zheng He's fleet. The treasure ships. The size of these ships were outstanding. They were 416ft long and 170ft wide, about the size of a football field. They could carry up to 1250 tons. In comparison a modern ship 1,200 tons is 200ft long and the ships of Christopher Columbus sailed to the New world in 1492 (60 years after Zheng He had completed his 7th Voyage) were about 70-100 and 55ft long.

Now that I have my period and the first images of the chosen style of what we are looking for, I now will try break down the ship and start to look at the shapes of the ships and why they were like this. How were the hull designed and the reasons behind it. As well as the sails, layout, anchors and life in the ships! how did they live in these vast vessels and how can I design my own ship to show this?

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